Кабак Павел Кононович герб фамильный
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Kabak Pavel Kononovich.

Медаль «Партизану Отечественной войны» I степени -

Рожд.: 15 декабря 1898 г. (г. Павлоград)

Умер: 26 декабря 1941 г. (Новомосковский лес, ок. с.Сергеевка)

Kabak Pavel Kononovich

Wife Maria Vasilievna

Son Dmitry, daughter Valentina

Kabak P.K. was born on December 15, 1898 (according to the old style) on the farms of the city of Pavlograd in the family of a state peasant Kabak Konon Terentyevich and Maria Grigorievna Rasputneva. Godparents - Fekla Stefanovna Izyumskaya and Trofim Shcherbakov.

I have finished 4th grade.

From 1917 to February 1918 - Jr. non-commissioned officer of the tsarist army.

Member of the CPSU(b) since 1920.

In 1920 he graduated from the Minsk Command Staff Courses and was appointed to the post of platoon commander. In 1921 he graduated from the higher repeated courses at the headquarters of the Army of the Western Front.

From October 1918 to 1926 he served in the Red Army as a middle early. composition, from 1936 to 1937 he served in the personnel units of the Red Army.

From 1924 - 1925 studied at the courses of leaders in Moscow. Graduated from Kharkov Electrotechnical Institute.

In 1938 he was sent to Pavlograd to a chemical plant, where he worked as the head of the electrical workshop, then the head of the electrical shop.

In 1941 he was sent to the Pavlograd power plant, where he worked as the director of the Pavlograd city power grid.

1918, Kabak Pavel Kononovich, red commander 1918, Kabak Pavel Kononovich, red commander
1926, Kabak Pavel Kononovich with his wife Maria 1926, Kabak Pavel Kononovich with his wife Maria
Кабак Павел Кононович Кабак Павел Кононович


In August 1941 he was appointed commander of the Pavlograd partisan detachment. Under his leadership, the partisan detachment lasted 2.5 months.

On October 5, fighters of the partisan detachment of the city of Pavlograd (commander P.K. Kabak, commissar G.D. Kovnat, numbering 55 people, of which 42 were communists) in the village of Kocherezhki, Pavlograd district, fired on and burned an officer's car, attacked two weeks later on an enemy convoy with looted property, seven fascist soldiers were killed, several were wounded, the rest were put to flight, forcing the invaders to leave the plundered property.

On November 3-4, the Kabak detachment fought with a group of fascist soldiers between the villages of Bulakhovka and Kocherezhki, destroying eight Nazis. "," TERRIBLE MILES Dnepropetrovsk region 1941-1944, Dnepropetrovsk, publishing house Promin, 1985"

P.K.Kabak died as a result of betrayal on December 31, 1941. in the village of Yelenovka. Posthumously awarded the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 1 degree.


Notice, Кабак Павел Кононович 1918, Kabak Pavel Kononovich, red commander
The house, near the walls of which the partisans of the Kabak detachment died in 1941. The house near the walls of which the partisans of the Kabak detachment died in 1941


CSAGO Archive


Report on the activities of P.K.Kabak's partisan detachment

f.1, op.22, file 195, sheet 129-131

Report on the activities of P.K.Kabak's partisan detachment Report on the activities of P.K.Kabak's partisan detachment
Report on the activities of P.K. Kabak's partisan detachment Report on the activities of the partisan poison P.K.Kabak
Report on the activities of P.K.Kabak's partisan detachment Report on the activities of P.K.Kabak's partisan detachment
Kabak Pavel Kononovich, Report on Fighter Battalion #449 Memorandum about the fighter battalion No. 449 f.62, op.4, d.138, sheet 4
Kabak Pavel Kononovich, Description of the commander of the Pavlograd partisan detachment P.K.Kabak Characteristics of the commander of the Pavlograd partisan detachment P.K.Kabak f.1, op.22, d.216, sheet 130


"To the last bullet"

Ilya Vetrov "In the woods near Novomoskovsk", PDF, OCR with errors

"Once again about the heroes of the underground"


Кабак Павел Кононович"In order to fight against the occupiers of the Moscow party, in 1941, organizing a partisan camp. 42 communities and 13 Komsomol members joined the ranks. participant of the gromadyansk war, engineer, communist P. K. Kabak, commissar - G. D. Kovnat. Already in the autumn of 1941, the fate of zdіysniv zdіysniv zdіysniv zdіisniv zdіysnі ії militіy opіrіy, zhinshchiv tens nazis, іlіv visazhuvav vіtrya ponіtrya ponіtrya vіzh vіzh Dnіvskoselіvіvіlіvіkіvіlіvіvіvskomu. In the battles with the German fascist zagarbniks, the commander of the corral P. K. Kabak, the commissar G. D. Kovnat, the partisans I. F. Skrypnik, I. M. Poida, A. T. Dmitriev, S. T. Grechko, I. V. Poplavko, I. Ya. Grishin, I. P. Kravchenko, P. A. Zvonkov, G. I. Bolyunov, I. D. Brodsky, O. S. Skiba and others."

September 25, 1941, the detachment is concentrated in the area of ​​their military operations - Orlovshchansky forest. The detachment's area of operation was  very extensive and covered Pavlogradsky, Novomoskovsky and Vasilkovsky districts of the Dnepropetrovsk region.

The Nazi command, having discovered a partisan detachment, organized raids and combed the forest with artillery and mortars.

The threat of defeat of the detachment loomed. By this time, the detachment was running out of ammunition.

By order of the commander of the Kabak detachment P.K., on December 26, 1941, the partisans left the forest in small groups and one by one.


Tsikavimi and tell some residents of the village of Kocherezhki about one of these small groups. To be given in full.

If in 1941 the fate of Hitler’s division of General von Tschammer began to heavily swear the Samara foxes, so that the partisans were undermined, the command of the partisans having driven away, a decision was made about the timing of the combat action and departure from the forest.

Same day, 31 babies, a group of partisans approached the Svitanka to Stavki farm, yak came from the Kocherezky forest. The partisans went to Ivan Vereshchak's hut and asked to warm up. What was trapping in the distance, Paraska Tarasivna’s team rozpovitla: “ Seven people went to the court with a civilized dress. The stinkers said that they were turning around from the German full of Kiev, three immediately went to the farm, and four were left behind. In the evening, three fell asleep at once, and the fourth, wondering at the window, through the yak, one could see the road from the farm to Kocherezhok. Not a single partisan, not a single titka knew that at the same hour a sprat of sleigh was rushing to Kocherezhki. In one of them, Fedyanovich Vasil sat with the head of Ostashka Ivan to tell them about the partisans.

After a long time, the Germans sharpened the podvir’, in the middle of them the woman succumbed to Fedyanovich V., in the same hour the partisans fired the fire. having ordered to set the house on fire. The woman asked, "What is there?" I shot, if I turned around, I bounced, that the partisans fell on the topping up in full, and the blood dripped from the screen with a red flower.

Fascist punishers hurried to hell, the stench triumphed over a few good partisans. The body of the dead was taken outside the village outskirts and thrown into the trenches; In the spring of 1942, the trench was dug out, and those were gone.

I can't help but doubt that on the rest of the day, the babies on the Farm Stakes were undermined by partisans.


Komіsar of Pavlohrad partisans

       In the village of Sergіїvtsі, on a brotherly grave, an obelіsk was erected with  marmuro­doshka, on which the words were vibrated with golden letters: "Here is the funeral of the Pavlograd 

      The name of P.K. Kabak with a shabby vimovlyayut usі tі, who want a short hour knowing tsyu miraculous people­ well, yogo im'yam named one of the streets of our mist. The People's Museum is saving a document in the name of the commander of the Chervonoy Army P.K.

       Sin of a beggar peasant іz many Pavlograd farms Pavlo Kabak, with his heart, recognized the truth of the Belarusians and in 1917 voluntarily defended young ruler Rad. In 1918, roci vin bov was already a company commander, taking a part in numerical battles with the white guards.

       Vіdgrimіla gromadyan­ska vіyna . Pavlo Kononovich has been busy for a long time in military service, recruiting young soldiers, engaged in self-enlightenment, and then, having demobilized,  practice on  party robot. In Bogdanovtsy, there are many comrades who remember the seething work of Kabak at the post of the head of the Strong Radi in the ages. Vіn buv greedy for knowledge. Pa



 Tom Dnipropetrovsk region, pp. 532-553

In August 1941, the city committee of the party organized a partisan detachment to fight the invaders. 42 communists and 13 Komsomol members joined its ranks. A member of the civil war, an engineer, a communist P. K. Kabaka, Commissioner — G. D. Kovnata. E. G. Pushkin provided significant assistance in arming the detachment, as well as in training the fighters in the ability to wield weapons. At the end of September, the detachment concentrated in the Orlovshchansky forest, where weapons, ammunition, uniforms, radio equipment, leaflets, and food were brought in advance (for three to four months). The partisan detachment helped the units of the Red Army, which held back the onslaught of the Nazis in the area. From October 5 to December 26, the partisans carried out several military operations — destroyed more than 50 fascists, blew up five bridges between the cities of Pavlograd and Dnepropetrovsk, the villages of Pereshchepin and Vasilkovka. In the battles against the Nazis, the commander of the detachment P. K. Kabak, Commissar G.D. Kovnat, partisans G.I.Boyanov, S.T. Grechko, I.Ya. Grishin, A.T. Dmitriev, P. А. .{Dnepropetrovsk Regional Party Archive, f. 19, op. 8, d. 1, ll. 127, 128, 301—303.}. Under the onslaught of the numerically superior forces of the fascist punishers on December 26, the partisans were forced to leave the forest. Subsequently, many of them became underground workers. The deputy commissar of the detachment E. M.  Babenko fell into the hands of the Nazis and on February 5, 1942 was hanged in the city square.

Tom Dnipropetrovsk region, p. 532-553




— Do not go astray, Pavel Kononovich, — said Shakhnovich to the head of the column.

Short, broad-shouldered, with a face burned in the wind, the Pavlograd commander Kabak guessed this question rather than heard it in the howl of the wind.

— Let's not get lost, Veniamin Alexandrovich, I know the places well! — he shouted in Shakhnovich's ear.

Monument to the commander of the Pavlograd partisans P. Kabak in the village of Sergeevka, Dnepropetrovsk region. The work of Vasily Ivanovich Gordienko.

— Just pass along the chain to the people so that they do not stretch, do not lose sight of each other.

— A few words about this man.

Serving in the army since the twenties, collectivization, studying at the institute, working at one of the local factories and finally being a partisan — Pavel Kononovich passed through all these stages of his life. Wherever fate threw him, — remained a calm, reasonable, decisive and principled person.

Disciplined by nature, he demanded the same from others. He did not tolerate the slightest negligence in the execution of assignments, combat missions. Then do not expect concessions from him.

As the commander of a separate detachment, Kabak was aware that he, the commander, was given a lot, but the demand was doubly.

His men often went to reconnaissance in Pavlograd, Kocherezhki, Karabinovka and other surrounding villages and kept their commander always up to date. But often Pavel Kononovich himself, together with the fighters, went on reconnaissance, in contact with local underground organizations.


(Ilya Vetrov "In the woods near Novomoskovsk. Notes of a partisan". Second ed. - Promin' ed., Dnepropetrovsk, 1968. pp. 209-210)

About the destruction of the detachment

Source: ukrainica.org.ua

From the book "Dnepropetrovsk region during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-1945":

" In August 1941, the Pavlograd city committee of the CP(b)U formed a partisan detachment of 55 people. Of these, the communists — 42 people. On September 25, 1941, the detachment concentrates in the area of \u200b\u200bits operations — Orlovshchansky forest. The area of operations of the detachment was very extensive and covered the Pavlogradsky, Novomoskovsky and Vasilkovsky districts of the Dnepropetrovsk region. The Nazi command, having discovered a partisan detachment, organized round-ups and combing the forest with artillery and mortars. There was a threat of defeat of the detachment. By this time, the detachment was running out of ammunition. By order of the detachment commander P.K. Kabak, on December 26, 1941, partisans left the forest in small groups and one by one.»

Memories of one of the inhabitants of the village of Kocherezhki:

«If in 1941 the fate of the Hitlerite division of General von Tschammer began to swear heavily on the Samara foxes, so that the partisans would be in danger, on’the day of the command of the partisan pens, a decision was made about the timing of the combat missions.

Same todi, 31 breasts, a group of partisans approached the Svitanka to the Stavka farm, as if they had left the Kocherezky forest. The partisans went to Ivan Vereshchak's hut and asked to warm up. Paraska Tarasivna's team trotted away in the distance: “Seven of the civilians went to the court. The stinkers said that they were turning around from the German full of Kiev, three immediately went to the farm, and four were left behind. In the evening, three fell asleep at once, and the fourth, wondering at the window, through the yak, one could see the road from the farm to Kocherezhok. Not a single partisan, not a single titka knew that at the same hour a sprat of sleigh was rushing to Kocherezhki. In one of them, Fedyanovich Vasil sat with the head of Ostashka Ivan to tell them about the partisans.

After a long time, the Germans sharpened their underwear, among them a woman was chasing Fedyanovich V., at that hour the partisans fired fire. Paraska Tarasivna died to the bottom of her penny, and then she drank and there nimtsiv, in the middle of them, Ostashko, who ordered to set fire to the hut. The woman rushed to the new one and at first asked not to burn the hut, because three little girls were left in it. Ostashko is healthy and allowed to take the children. If she crossed the threshold, she kicked two beaten partisans, the third was seriously wounded, and the fourth was sitting at the kutku and trimmed the pistol, asking: “Who is there?” The woman understood the question in the shortest possible time and said: “Check from the left side.” Potim partisan showing de bshovani st. children. The mother rushed to the children and at the same time she shot the moon, if she turned around, she babbled, that the partisans fell on the topping, from the crown of the red flower the blood flowed.

Fascist punishers hurried to the hut, the stench triumphed over the victory over the few good partisans. The body of the dead was taken outside the village outskirts and thrown into the trenches; In the spring of 1942, the trench was dug up, and those places were darkened.

There was no doubt that on the rest of the day the breasts on the farm of Stavki were undermined by these partisans.»

Prapor Youth Newspaper, 02/20/1968The newspaper "Prapor of Youth" for 20.02.1968

Partisan detachment of Kabak P.K.

Kabak Pavel Kononovich - commander, killed December 31, 1941 in the village of Yelenovka

Kovnat Grigory Danilovich - commissar, killed in January 1942, in the village of Novotroitsky

Aleksey Skiba - killed in January 1942, in the village of Novotroitsky

Brodsky Isaak - killed in January 1942, in the village of Novotroitsky

Balyunov Grigory - killed in January 1942, in the village of Novotroitsky

Babenko Efim Markovich - hanged on February 14, 1942


Secrets of the Kocherezh forest

October 27, 2006

Autumn winds are circling over the forest, just like 65 years ago. Like yellow leaves from trees, falling in years gone by. And we, squeezed by a fast-paced life, rarely remember him, it seems to us that we know so much. Let's think for a minute and find — we know so little…

I have been studying the history of anti-fascist resistance in the Pavlograd region for many years. How many secrets are unknown to us from that legendary, partisan and heroic time! It hides hundreds of destinies of our glorious countrymen who gave their lives to fight for freedom.

In the fall of 1995, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of partisan glory, I managed to slightly open a page in the history of the death of P.K. Kabaka at Stavki Farm.

From the memoirs of the former secretary of the Pavlograd District Party Committee E.M. Grishchenko. (He was the organizer and leader of the reburial of partisans in 1965.)

…Late December 1941. Exhausted by the battles and persecution of the punishers, seven partisans came to the Stavki farm. Soon three of them went to Yelenovka, and four remained to rest in the hut. Exhausted and tired, having refreshed themselves with food served by the hostess, they quickly fell asleep. Now it is difficult to say who reported the partisans to Kocherezhki, where the German headquarters was.
Policemen and Germans surrounded the hut. The frightened hostess woke up the partisans and ran out into the yard to her neighbor. But in the house, in addition to the partisans, there were her children. And when the punishers opened fire, she began to beg them to spare the children. When she returned to the hut for the children, three partisans had already been killed. And the fourth, putting a pistol to his temple, fired the last bullet into his forehead. The children were not injured, because the partisans managed to cover them with pillows on the stove.

The owner and the police carried the corpses out into the yard. The ground was frozen, and the hole was not dug — just covered with earth. With the onset of spring, by order of the headman, the dead were dragged away into the pit, somehow buried.

After liberation from the enemy, the owners of the hut were condemned. Years have passed. The mistress, who returned after serving her term, either forgot, or did not want to show the place of burial of the remains. Attempts to find it did not bring results.
Pathfinders of the city secondary school No. 6, headed by history teacher P.A., joined the search for the burial. Tkachenko. They were lucky. They were looking for 4 partisans, but there were 5 of them. Where did the fifth one come from, who is he? I managed to find out a little.

The day after the death of the partisans, another one came to the farm. The owner of the hut, where he went, took him to the elder. The headman accompanied the partisan to the yard where the corpses lay. Partizan knew all 4 and called them by name. He probably told about himself. The headman shot an unarmed partisan and threw him to the frozen corpses.

For moral reasons, I don't give the names of the owners and the headman. Their children are alive, other relatives are not guilty of that tragedy. The headman fled with the Germans before the arrival of the Red Army.

In May 1965, the remains of five partisans were reburied in the city cemetery next to the chapel. 4 were identified, their names were documented, stamped on tombstones. G.D. Kovnat is the commissar of the detachment. It was he who did not want to surrender to the Germans and took his own life with the last bullet. Partisans: Grigory Illarionovich Bolyunov, Alexey Semenovich Skiba, Isaak Davydovich Brodsky. Fifth — unknown.

I couldn't accept and forget this event. While at least one dead is unknown — the war is not over. From time to time I returned to the archives of the underground, searched.

Preparing for the 65th anniversary of partisan glory, I again read into the memories of former partisans. And now, it seems to me, the secret is revealed.

From the memoirs of former partisan Evdokia Semenovna Gavrilchenko: “My husband Ivan Minovich Gavrilchenko was left in the partisan detachment. I entrusted the relatives of our five children and went with my husband to the Kocherezh forest. (Think, reader, about the act of a patriot and you will get an answer why we, the Soviets, won). Participated in battles, the battle near the village of Volnoye was especially difficult. When it was no longer possible to stay in the forest, the last partisans left for the Stavki farm. My husband and I didn't get to Stavki because I was very sick. We got to Kocherezhek. There we were sheltered by Fyodor Nesterovna Lobko. But she was afraid to leave my husband in the hut, she asked him to leave the village where the Germans were. Soon we heard shooting from the direction of Stavkov. The husband had to leave. He died. I was also sheltered by Praskovya Ignatievna Bondarenko…»

Evdokia Semyonovna does not write anything about how and where her husband died. She probably didn't know any of the details. And I dare to suggest with a high probability that the 5th in the Headquarters is none other than Ivan Minovich Gavrilenko. He could not help but visit Headquarters and find out what happened to his comrades there. Or maybe he hoped that someone was alive and needed help. After all, he knew each of the seven partisans.

It's a shame that this hasn't been done since 1965, when there was still a lot that could be set. And the fifth one stays unknown. About the three who left for Yelenovka, a separate conversation… Sadly and sadly, the Kocherezhsky forest rustles in autumn. Oaks and pines whisper among themselves. They saw partisans G.S. Kucherenko back in 1918. They saw partisans P.K. Kabak. To know their language, many secrets guarded by the forest would be solved.

The movement of pioneer pathfinders, who did a lot in the search for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, died long ago. I would like to hope that this essay will touch the souls of young and old Pavlograd residents. Maybe someone will respond, continue to explore our heroic history. It is captured in the collections of several museums — Secondary School No. 6, Secondary School No. 9, City Museum. It will help you to get to know your region, your city even more deeply, to love them for life.




The mass grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region).

 N 48° 47.553' E 35° 45.964'  

Communal grave, a monument to fellow villagers and a bust of Kabak Pavel Kononovich.

Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yuryevsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region) Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region)
Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region) Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region)
Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region) Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region)
The mass grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yuryevsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region) Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region)
The mass grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yuryevsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region) Common grave in the village of Sergeevka (Yurievsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region)


  • Bile of a partisan dugout: [About P.K.Kabak's death; Pavlograd] // Zorya.– 1967.– 15 lip.
  • Heroes are not forgotten: [About partisans from s. Novotroitske] // Zorya.– 1966.– 14 Zhovt.
  • Yeliseyev A. Spring over ours: Chronicle of the struggle of one village: [S. Yur'ivka Pavlograd. district] // Flag of youth.– 1986.– 9 herbs
  • Yefimenko M. Lives in the hearts of people: [About the partisan Yu.M.Babenok from Pavlograd] // Svіtlo Zhovtnya.– 1971.– 22 hearts
  • Efimenko M. A quarter of a century later: [On partisans. detachment of P. Kabak] // Dneprov. true.– 1967.– Feb 15
  • Kulinich V. Heroes are not forgotten!: [A monument was erected to P.K.Kabak’s corral partisans] // Zorya.– 1967.–31 sich.
  • Nezherya A. Partisans do not give up // Step. dawn.– 1991.– 22 hearts
  • Ryabiy K. The power of national anger // Flag of youth.– 1965.– 7 herbs
  • Svіtlichna G., Tkachenko P. Remembering people's memory: [About the partisan commander. corral P.K.Kabak] // Zorya.– 1967.– 2 hearts
  • Svitlichna G., Tkachenko P. About the Obelisk: [About P.K.Kabak) // Rad. Ukraine.– 1967.– 30 birches
  • Tkachenko P. Buv 6th stop: [Pavlograd. district] // Zorya.– 1987.– 4 lute.
  • Tkachenko P. “Remember you, Olya!”: [About the retailer Olya Moroz from Pavlograd] // Flag of Youth.– 1983.– 12 quarters
  • Tkachenko P. Partisan commander: [About P.K.Kabak, commander of Pavlograd. partisan corral] // Svіtlo Zhovtnya.– 1990.– 15 herbs

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